29 January - 02 February 2024
FAUP | University of Porto
Porto, Portugal
FCIC'24 Venue
Pavilhão Carlos Ramos
Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto
With origins dating back to the eighteenth century, the University of Porto (UP) is currently one of the most relevant education and research institutions in Portugal. Close to 31,000 students, 2,300 teachers and researchers along with 1,700 administrative staff attend its 15 schools and 69 scientific research units, spread across 3 university campuses located in the city of Porto.
As an organic unit of the University of Porto, the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) is a centre for the creation, transmission and diffusion of disciplinary knowledge in the area of architecture, construction and urban studies. FAUP, also known as "Porto School", is a worldwide reference in Architecture graduation and one of the very few schools in the world that has as former students and professors, two Pritzker prize winners: architects Álvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura.

Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto
(Design by Álvaro Siza 1985-1993; Conservation 2014-2019)
photo credits: Fernando Guerra, Luís Ferreira Alves, Egídio Santos

Pavilhão Carlos Ramos, Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto
(Design by Álvaro Siza 1985-1993; Conservation 2014-2019)
photo credits: Egídio Santos, Nelson Garrido