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(Registrations open on the 8th of November 2023)

Early registration
(until 23 November)


Late registration
(after 23 November)



300 €

Students (proof of current enrollment required) / 
Local NGO's /
Accompanying person (max. 50)

100 €

400 €

200 €

Extra fees

Conference Official Dinner

50 €

All prices are in EUR and include taxes.


  • No fees for TU Delft and FAUP students (limited number) helping and contributing to the program/organization;

  • On-site registrations will be accepted but limited to the places available, and charged 100€ per day;

  • Participants of the scientific program, even speakers, accompanying persons or company representatives must register for the conference;

  • No more than two abstracts/posters can be presented by one registered participant, as main author. All accepted abstracts should be presented at the FCIC24. Therefore, at least one author of each accepted abstracts must be registered and present;

  • If none of the authors of an accepted paper is registered in the FCIC'24 conference, or the paper is not presented (oral/poster presentation), it will be withdrawn from the conference archives.


The conference participant fee includes:


Tote bag; 

Papers/Posters/Abstracts Proceedings publication;

Admission to the technical sessions, lunches, coffee breaks;

Welcome reception;

Entrance to the exhibition area and conference area.


UNESCO Heritage and Values: Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability  (The Netherlands)



©2023 by Faro Convention International Conference 2024

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