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Technical Visits

Technical visits are reserved to FCIC24 registered participants, who must inform their interest completing the form. Registrations are mandatory and will follow the the maximum vacancies available (25 each). 

URBINAT Project Healthy Corridor

Monday, 29 January, 14h00 | Alameda de Cartes


Guided by Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Principal Coordinator of the EU H2020-funded URBiNAT project
Centre for Social Studies, Department of Architecture, University
of Coimbra (Portugal) 


"The main objectives of this intervention are identified as the creation of a green park of public access, multifunctional and inclusive, able to improve the quality of life of local populations; the development of a network of pedestrian circulation, promoting soft mobility; the preservation of nature and the promotion of ecological dynamics; and the optimization of pedestrian circulation, defining paths of lower slope.The project is developed under URBiNAT and has European funding from the Horizon 2020 programme."



SAAL Participatory Design by Álvaro Siza

Friday, 2 February, 10h00 | Bouça Housing Complex


Guided by Fernando Cardoso, Bouça Neighborhood Association
assisted by Ana Tarrafa (TU Delft) and Tiago Cruz (CEAU-FAUP)


"The Bouça Housing Complex was built in the aftermath of the Carnation Revolution (1974) and reflects the social commitment in which a close dialogue with the local communities played a key role in the SAAL (Serviço de Apoio Ambulatório Local, in English “Local Ambulatory Support Service”), an ambitious housing program created to
overcome the housing problem associated with the outrageous social inequities of the Portuguese population. The initiative involved architects, engineers and social assistants, organised into committees or brigades, which became a participatory experience in close relation with the population, who was called to participate in the planning process, and that first promoted Álvaro Siza’s recognition abroad.
In this visit, the participants are invited to visit the complex, currently a component part of a serial nomination for the World Heritage List, and meet Mr. Cardoso, manager and living memory of first period of construction, who also keeps an organised documentation of the building complex. According to availability, participants may also enjoy a visit in one of the dwellings (to be confirmed) since recent interventions were also promoted by residents respecting Álvaro Siza’s design principles.



If you need more information on the parallel activities, please contact us.



UNESCO Heritage and Values: Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability  (The Netherlands)



©2023 by Faro Convention International Conference 2024

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