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Conference program

Detailed schedule of the conference sessions can be found here or in the respective + link for each session.
Also, check the Carlos Ramos Pavilion parallel and workshop sessions distribution map.

Monday, 29 January


Technical Visit | Alameda de Cartes Park, Porto


URBiNAT Project Healthy Corridor

Gonçalo Canto Moniz, Principal Coordinator of the EU H2020-funded URBiNAT Project; CES, DARQ-FCTUC



Welcome Reception | Casa do Infante


Jorge Sobrado, Director of Culture of the Municipal Council of Porto

Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins, Member of the Board of the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and President of the Portuguese National Council of Culture

Laura Castro, Vice-President of Cultural Heritage, I. P. 

David Ferreira, Director of Culture Unit, Norte Portugal Regional Coordination and Development Commission 

Teresa Calix, Vice-Director of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto

Luisella Pavan Woolfe, Member of Europa Nostra Council

Ana Pereira Roders, Head of the UNESCO Chair Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability, TU Delft 

Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Head of the UNESCO Chair Heritage, Cities and Landscapes. Sustainable Management, Conservation, Planning and Design, CEAU-FAUP



Tuesday, 30 January


Plenary Session: Education | Auditorium of Pernambuco Porto Institute


“Inclusive Public Spaces for Social Housing Neighbourhoods in Europe: Research in action collaborative strategies”

Gonçalo Canto Moniz (CES, DARQ-FCTUC, Portugal)



Coffee break | Exhibition Hall, FAUP



Parallel Sessions 1 | Carlos Ramos Pavilion, FAUP | + detailed programme



Lunch | Exhibition Hall, FAUP



Workshop Parallel Sessions 1 | Carlos Ramos Pavilion, FAUP


“Education for Sustainability using SDG Goals in Curriculum for Educators”, Purvi Parekh (JBCN School Mumbai, India)


“Artificial Intelligence for Participatory Processes in Heritage Planning”, Nan Bai and Mahda Foroughi (TU Delft, The Netherlands) - COMPLETE


“The Storyteller and the Relationship to Oral Heritage and Education”, Kassem Istanboul (Tiro Association for Arts, Lebanon) and Inês Francisca Oliveira (Portugal) - COMPLETE



Coffee break | Exhibition Hall, FAUP



Poster Session and Buddy Network | Carlos Ramos Pavilion, FAUP



Wednesday, 31 January


Parallel Sessions 2 | Carlos Ramos Pavilion, FAUP | + detailed programme



Coffee break | Exhibition Hall, FAUP



Parallel Sessions 3 | Carlos Ramos Pavilion, FAUP | + detailed programme



Lunch | Exhibition Hall, FAUP



Plenary Session: Research | Fernando Távora Auditorium, FAUP


“Valuing Ballarat: Implementing HUL approach community engagement tools in practice”

Susan Fayad (City of Ballarat, Australia)



Coffee break | Exhibition Hall, FAUP



Workshop Parallel Sessions 2 | Carlos Ramos Pavilion, FAUP


“Effective co-creation in HUL: How to deal with disagreements and disputes in archaeological heritage”, Nekbet Corpas Cívicos (Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Spanish National Research Council-Institute of History, Spain)


“Laboratory of Cultures of Water: Co-creating water heritage by drawing, crafting, and filming our relationship with rivers, oceans, taps and more. Experiencing a participatory method of engaging with heritage”, Kim Carlotta von Schoenfeld (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway)

“Re-paving Histories: Research methodology of critical heritage – tracking streets’ re-naming as an additional tool for exploring historic urban areas of contested heritage”, Adi Sela Wiener (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) and Shmuel Groag (Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Israel)



Conference Dinner | Peixe no Mercado Restaurant, Bolhão Market



Thrusday, 1st February


Plenary Session: Education | Auditorium of Pernambuco Porto Institute


“The Faro Way in Education: Lessons from heritage and architecture”

Ana Pereira Roders (TU Delft, The Netherlands)



Coffee break | Exhibition Hall, FAUP



Parallel Sessions 4 | Carlos Ramos Pavilion, FAUP | + detailed programme



Lunch | Exhibition Hall, FAUP



Workshop Parallel Sessions 3 | Carlos Ramos Pavilion, FAUP


“The Role of Co-creation in the Management Strategies of Porto and Cordoba’s Historic Centres, as UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Opportunities and challenges”, Joana Varajão (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal) and Gaia Redaelli (University of Sevilla, Spain)


“Tapping into Corporate Social Responsibility: CHI’s using a participatory business model to tackle urban challenges with companies and communities”, Jill Cousins (The Hunt Museum, Ireland), Kelly Hazejager and Isabel Beirigo (Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, The Netherlands)


“Culture Significance Mapping: Methods, tools and results”, Julia Rey Pérez (University of Sevilla, Spain) and Teresa Cunha Ferreira (CEAU-FAUP, Portugal)



Coffee break | Exhibition Hall, FAUP



Parallel Sessions 5 | Carlos Ramos Pavilion, FAUP | + detailed programme



Closing Session | Library Auditorium, FAUP


Ana Pereira Roders, Head of the UNESCO Chair Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability, TU Delft 

Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Head of the UNESCO Chair Heritage, Cities and Landscapes. Sustainable Management, Conservation, Planning and Design, CEAU-FAUP

Susan Fayad, World Heritage and Regional Development Lead, City of Ballarat

Ana Tarrafa, UNESCO Chair Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability, TU Delft



Friday, 2nd February


Technical Visit | Bouça Housing Complex, Porto


SAAL Participatory Design by Álvaro Siza

Fernando Cardoso, manager

assisted by Ana Tarrafa (TU Delft) and Tiago Cruz (CEAU-FAUP)



Detailed schedule of the conference sessions can be found here.

Technical visits and workshops are reserved to FCIC24 registered participants, who must inform their interest completing the form. Registrations are mandatory and will follow the the maximum vacancies available. 

For conferences venues please consult the map.



If you need more information on the conference program, please contact us.


UNESCO Heritage and Values: Heritage and the Reshaping of Urban Conservation for Sustainability  (The Netherlands)



©2023 by Faro Convention International Conference 2024

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